Saturday, October 17, 2009

Meanwhile, Up in Worcester....!

The 5th Annual Fill-in-the-Gap aerobic dance event was happening in New Jersey this weekend.... and I couldn't go. :-( ..... But meanwhile, up in Worcester,MA, a sweet blessing awaited me. I love weddings, and new babies, and grand openings....'cause I love beginnings! I feel honored at those times when God allows me to be a witness at a "birthing." (Well.... I actually felt PAIN when I was a witness at my children's birthings.. but that's another blog!) I sang, danced, praised and witnessed the birth of yet another liturgical dance concert on Friday night. What a blessing to see what God continues to do, in big and small ways, as He is freeing up and empowering the Body of Christ through the expression of dance!

1st Dance Concert at Christ Tabernacle Apostolic Church!( Worcester, MA) on PhotoPeach

Friday, October 2, 2009

Rhode Island joins the National Liturgical Dance Network!

(Melodie with NLDN staff--Lakeisha Sykes and Sentheia McLeod, and Founding Director, Rev. Eyesha Marable - with daughter, Honor, in tow!)
This month, Rhode Island joined over 20 other states and over 7 countries in becoming a chapter in the National Liturgical Dance Network! Melodie Thompson-Thomas will serve as RI Chapter Chair,under the leadership of founding director, Rev. Eyesha Marable. Founded in 1998, NLDN promotes in-reach and outreach ministry through dance, challenging leaders and ministries world-wide to strive for excellence in their art and in their biblical knowledge. NLDN provides ongoing dance and leadership training to help equip the saints for effective ministry in dance and movement arts. As a NLDN Chapter, we can look forward to expanding opportunities for service to others and growth in our art, all to the glory of God!