Saturday, November 7, 2009

Ministry = Service!

In the dance ministry mentoring programs I've conducted, I always start off by asking, "What does the word ministry mean?" After several false starts, the participants finally come up with the idea of "helping" or "serving." The next question then becomes, "So how does a dance ministry help people?" Hmmmm.... now they're stumped. It blesses people. It's beautiful to watch. It can even deliver God's Word in a moving pictorial form, and that definitely helps people to know God and His Will for their lives. But can a dance ministry team minister in other ways? We've (finally) reached an era where the answer to that is a resounding "YES!" I don't know where we got the idea that dance ministers can or should only dance. This art form is one of the vehicles God uses to share His amazing creativity. But the serious minister of dance cannot spend hours upon hours in His Word and at His Feet (as He pours His anointed choreography in and out), without also sensing the Heart of God, which always involves service to others!
GPDA had the wonderful honor of rendering service to the homeless through the Providence Rescue Mission's 2nd Annual Walk-a-Faith. It was a glorious and chilly day here in Rhode Island -- glorious as we walked, chilly as we danced on the steps of City Hall (Brrrrrrr!), but a concrete reminder that the homeless of our city can't go inside and get warm anytime they want to. I love what Executive Director, Sean Carew said: "It's not for us to discuss the reasons why a person is in the condition they are in... it's simply our job to serve, as Jesus did." And so we walked,and walked,and walked --along with about 75 others from churches all over RI-- to raise money and awareness of their plight, but also to raise up PRAISE to Our Lord and Saviour, who tells us, "Whatever you do for the least of them, you have done it unto Me."(Mathew 25:40) We thank God for the Providence Rescue Mission who demonstrates this scripture everyday, 24/7, and we thank God for the small part we could play in serving others!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Liturgical Dance is on the Move in New England!

God is moving so fast, my calendar can hardly catch up with Him! There have been so many Liturgical Dance and Worship Arts events that it's hard to take part in everything.... and that's just in New England, not to speak of nation-wide or across the globe! GPDA did have the pleasure of ministering in dance at the First Annual Liturgical Dance Workshop in Newport(Oct 23-24) which consisted of a wonderful multi-arts Worship Service Friday night, and an all day workshop with one of the pioneers of the Liturgical Dance movement in this part of the country, Min. Kathleen Turner. Since I served as "amateur photographer" for GPDA, and dance minister, I was not able to get any pictures of our ministry on Friday night. But please enjoy the slide show below-- it gives a few glimpses of the blessings we received as audience and workshop participants.
"Set Free To Dance!" on PhotoPeach