Friday, December 18, 2009

CHRISTMAS is definitely a time to look at the past, present and future, all at the same time. Surely as Mary held the Baby Jesus in her arms, she reflected on all that had transpired, and all that lay ahead, while she yet enjoyed the cuddly warmth of her new born child. Likewise, as we sing songs like "O Come Let Us Adore Him," we are worshipping the newborn Christ, our present Redeemer, and our soon-coming King! Naturally, then, one of the best gifts at Christmas time is the kind that takes you back, moves you forward, and blesses you in the moment, all at the same time.
I am standing next to one of those gifts in this picture! Her name is Ambassador Davida Cotman-El, and she is one of the most significant reasons that I am an anointed dance minister today! When I look back, I see her hands upon my feet, anointing me as Samuel anointed David, and from that day on, I never danced the same. As I look ahead, I see her still dreaming and planning and pursuing the Will of the Father. Davida was always ahead of her time! You wouldn't know it to look at her, but she is my elder by about 15 years! Long before dance ministry leaders were talking about HOLINESS, EMBODYING SCRIPTURE, and the LEVITICAL connection to dance ministry, Davida was already teaching these truths-- and I was honored to have her as a mentor. She is my mentor, my sister and my friend forever--- and notice, those verbs are in the present tense, as is my love for this amazing servant of the Most High God!
Ambassador Davida resides in San Antonio, TX. She is a licensed minister and has been a leader in dance minstry since 1993. She currently hosts a traveling workshop entitled "The School of Grace." For information on this workshop or other ministry offerings, please contact: