Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Universal Language of Dance!

I had the absolute joy of attending Morning Star Baptist Church's High Praise Service on Palm Sunday. Everything--from the opening prayers by members stationed throughout the 1200-fold congregation, to the sermon by Rev. Dr. John Borders-- was a tremendous blessing. And the choir was off the church-cheazy! They did an awesome rendition of "Presence of the Lord" (Byron Cage),as well as other numbers. It was ALL GOOD!-- But it is the "language" of the dance ministry that lingers in my mind's photo-shop. It is God's Word, Majesty and Power communicated through movement that has been stored in my mental video file. "All Blessing and Honor and Glory and Power forever..." does not only play over and over in my head, but it also brings forth a visual, and that visual speaks to my soul, and my soul,in turn, breaks forth in High Praise!
Because I, too, am one of God's "movement messengers," my body speaks much of the same "universal language." To the Anointed Dancer, "blessing" is fists that come up from the belly or side, and fan out from the mouth; "honor" and "worship" are bows, sometime to the knee, sometimes full prostrate; God's majesty and royalty is a crown placed on the head, then gestured towards the heavenlies; and "forever" is a circular walk with arms reaching outward and forward, because forever never, ever ends....
And on it goes: Message, movement, language all presented from the dancer's submitted vessel. The Message comes from Him. The movement comes from us. The language is what reaches and blesses all who are watching. I was not a dancer on Palm Sunday; I was a watcher. So I thank Carmen Curry and all the dance ministers for blessing me!I thank God for your creative submission to our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. May He continue to guide your footsteps as you glorify His Name in the Dance!


  1. Thank you my dear sister for this post, and for this blog. Your gift of writing is what i needed this morning. I know that all dance ministers who read your words will be blessed.
    Yes, dance is a universal language. I see that God wants to use the art of dance in a big way, to minister healing and redemption to the world.
    I will be reading your post often. Be blessed.

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  3. All dance is wonderful,beautiful and a reflection of God-- the giver of all good and perfect gifts. But the difference btw Dance Therapy and Dance Ministry is this: Therapy heals those who are dancing; Ministry heals those who are watching.

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